Urahama Nenbutsu Kenbai
団体名 : 浦浜念仏剣舞保存会
所在地 : 岩手県大船渡市 三陸町越喜来
種別 : 踊り(三陸国際芸術祭過去出演団体)
三陸国際芸術祭出演 : 2015/2017 大船渡プログラム
The origin of Urahama Nenbutsu Kenbai is unknown, but has been handed down as a simple form of folk performing art amongst the locals in the Urahama area, due to its topographic isolation of Okirai in Sanriku Town.
It features masked dancers dancing to a nenbutsu hymn and burning incense, crouching middle section, and then swinging the sword like a stirring Asura in a fierce battle.
They are also active in next generation training programs for young adults and children.