Tokunami Shishi-odori
所在地 : 岩手県大槌町 大槌町
種別 : シシ芸(三陸国際芸術祭過去出演団体)
三陸国際芸術祭出演 : 2021
江戸時代、海産物の交易が盛んに行われていた頃、房州から来航した船乗りたちが踊って見せたことから広まったという説や、江戸・天明の頃に村の又助という人物が諸国遍歴の途次、常陸の鹿島神宮に伝わる鹿踊りに興味を持ち習い覚えて移入したものだという説もありますが、文献・記録類はありません。 口伝によると町内では古い部類に属する鹿子踊りといわれています。 地元の稲荷神社・方良神社の祭礼に奉納舞が踊られます。また、大槌まつり にも参加しています。
One theory suggests that it spread during the Edo period when seafood trade was thriving, after sailors from Boshu (current Chiba Prefecture), performed it upon arrival, and another suggests that a man named Matasuke in the village, during his travels to various provinces around the Tenmei era in the Edo period, became interested in the Shishiodori dance of Kashima Shrine in Hitachi Province, learned it, and brought it back. However, there are no written records or documents to confirm these theories. According to oral tradition, it is said to be one of the oldest Shishiodori within the Town. It is performed as a dedication dance during the local festivals of Inari Shrine and Horyo Shrine, as well as at the Otsuchi Festival.