Sabishiro Toramai
所在地 : 青森県八戸市
種別 : シシ芸(三陸国際芸術祭過去出演団体)
三陸国際芸術祭出演 : 2019秋 八戸プログラム
The toramai is inherited in Konakano community in Hachinohe city. The preservation society was founded in 1985. Although they had been used to parade floats at the Hachinohe port festival, the youth and women sections of the town council suggested to alter their activity into toramai considering the shortage of float drawers and garages. They take part in the procession as the dance attached to the Ogami Shrine on the Mt. Horyo at the grand festival of three shrines in Hachinohe, and perform at the performing arts festivals and other events in Hachinohe and other cities. The Sabishiro Toramai is popular among people as a representative toramai in Hachinohe.