Hiranai Enburi
団体名 : 平内えんぶり組
所在地 : 青森県階上町 平内 平内朳鶏舞保存館
種別 : ⽥植踊(三陸国際芸術祭過去出演団体)
三陸国際芸術祭出演 : 2019冬
国重要無形民俗文化財:昭和54年2月3日指定 創設:文政元年
The Hiranai Enburi inherits an older form called naga enburi (slow enburi) which is played in septuple meter with slow and soft movement of body. It is performed by three dancers; the front called Tokuro wearing eboshi with red peony flower, the middle, and the rear called kurodome. The uniqueness of the Hiranai Enburi is found in its fidelity to traditional form of song, dance and tone of the flute.