Tashiro Enburi
団体名 : 田代えんぶり組
所在地 : 青森県階上町 田代 田代えんぶり保存館
種別 : ⽥植踊(三陸国際芸術祭過去出演団体)
三陸国際芸術祭出演 : 2019冬
国重要無形民俗文化財:昭和54年2月3日指定 創設:明治中頃
The Tashiro Enburi is said to be converted from a traditional rice-transplanting ritual with acceptance of another enburi in quintuple meter practiced in Sugisawa community, former Tabe village (currently Fukuchi, Nanbu town). It has a local characteristic in the tone of singing and the ending section of the dance, and inherits many side-show items in their original form.