Toyabe Enburi
団体名 : 鳥屋部えんぶり組
所在地 : 青森県階上町 鳥屋部 鳥屋部えんぶり保存館
種別 : ⽥植踊(三陸国際芸術祭過去出演団体)
三陸国際芸術祭出演 : 2019冬
国重要無形民俗文化財:昭和54年2月3日指定 創設:明治中頃
The origin of the Toyabe Enburi is unknown, except for the oldest record telling it participated in an enburi event in Hachinohe region about 1883. Nowadays, it is defined as a kind of dousai enburi (fast enburi) and a descendant from Hosogoe Enburi in former Odate village.
After a period of inactivity due to the shortage of successors since around 1954, it was resumed by the avid masters and youngsters in 1976.