Sugenokubo Shishi-odori/Kenbai
団体名 : 菅窪鹿踊保存会
所在地 : 岩手県田野畑村 菅窪
種別 : シシ芸(三陸国際芸術祭過去出演団体)
三陸国際芸術祭出演 : 2018三陸縦断の旅2019冬
The Sugenokubo Shishiodori is a dance imitating wild deer’s vigorous motion with deer-shaped headdress.
In ancient time, when Takemikazuchi-no-mikoto landed on the shore of Lake Kasumigaura in Ibaraki prefecture and the native people attempted to kill him by setting fire to the field, numerous deer showed up, repeatedly plunged into the water and ran around to extinguish the fire. Deeply moved to see this, Mikoto created the shishiodori.
It is unique to the Sugenokubo school that shishiodori and kenbai are performed swiftly interchanging. The dance is impressive in its dynamism of dancing with the gilt on the deer horns which sparkles reflecting the fire.
It is designated as the Intangible Folk Cultural Property by Iwate prefecture in 1988.