

Kuromori Kagura

団体名 : 黒森神楽保存会

所在地 : 岩手県宮古市 山口

種別 : 神楽(三陸国際芸術祭過去出演団体)

三陸国際芸術祭出演 : 2017 大船渡プログラム


Kuromori Kagura is based at Kuromori Shrine, located in Yamaguchi of Miyako City. With the Gongen-sama (shishi-lion head) transferred with the spirit of the Kuromori Shrine on New Year’s Day, the Kuromori Kagura goes around the villages along the coast, dancing the gongen-mai in the yard of the houses to dispel demons and pray for fire safety. Yokagura (night kagura) is performed at night in a house that turns its tatami room into an inn, dancing in prayer for an abundant harvest and peace reigning in the lands. This kagura dance brings joy and blessing to the people.
The process tours around the coastal area of the former Morioka domain, switching every other year going north from Yamaguchi to Kuji City, and going south to Kamaishi City, and this has not changed since the early modern period.
As a kagura, such long term tours covering a wide range of land is rare nationwide, and with these valuable customs still being passed down, the Kuromori Kagura was designated as a nationally important intangible folk cultural property in March 2006.
