Ando Toramai
団体名 : 安渡虎舞保存会
所在地 : 岩手県大槌町 安渡
種別 : シシ芸
三陸国際芸術祭出演 : 2015/2021
山田町大沢より釜石市片岸(かたぎし)に伝わったといわれ、安渡虎舞は天保年間(1830-1844)に釜石片岸の虎舞より指導を受けて伝承されたといわれています。平成二年(1990)に保存会組織をつくり地域一丸となって伝承活動に励み、安渡小学校の児童や地域生徒達の育成を計ってきました。 東日本大震災では保存会メンバーも犠牲になり、道具一切も流失しました。 虎舞の復活を通じて地域の再生を計りたいという思いから伝統芸能復興支援を受け、その年の暮れには装束など揃え再開しました。
Ando Toramai (Otsuchi Town)
It is said that the Ando Toramai was handed down from Osawa in Yamada Town, to Katagishi in Kamaishi City, and was taught by the toramai group from Katagishi during the Tempo era (1830-1844). In 1990, an organization was formed to preserve the dance, and the entire community came together to pass it on to the next generation, teaching the children of Ando Elementary School and other local students. In the Great East Japan Earthquake, the members of the preservation society were affected, and all of their equipment and costumes were lost. With the hope of revitalizing the community through the recovery of their toramai, they received support for the restoration of the folk performing arts, and by the end of the year, had costumes and other equipment back in order.