

Mukaigawara Toramai

団体名 : 向川原虎舞風虎会

所在地 : 岩手県大槌町 向川原地区

種別 : シシ芸(三陸国際芸術祭過去出演団体)

三陸国際芸術祭出演 : 2021

昭和23年(1948)、郷土芸能を通じて青少年の健全育成を図ることを目的に向川原地区の青年会活動の一環として取り入れたのが始まりです。 当初、大槌町吉里吉里(きりきり)出身の師匠の指導を受け「和藤内(わとうない:虎退治をする役)」を取り入れていたが、数年後釜石の虎舞団体との交流の中で踊り・囃子の教えを受け、それが現在の踊りの原形です。後継者不足が危惧された時期もありましたが、釜石の虎舞団体より再度指導を受け活性化を図りました。 大津波のため人的・物的被害を受けましたが、復興支援と会員の熱意で乗り越え、活動を続けています。

Mukaigawara Toramai (Otsuchi Town)
It was first introduced in 1948 as part of the activities of the youth association in the Mukaigawara area, with the aim of promoting healthy development through local performing arts. Initially, they were taught by a master from Kirikiri, Otsuchi Town, and adopted the role of “Watonai”, where it chases the tiger away. A few years later, the group were taught the dance and ohayashi music of a toramai group in Kamaishi through an exchange, which resulted in its current form.  There was a time that a shortage of successors were feared, but the toramai group in Kamaishi taught the dance again to revitalize it. The group was then affected by the tsunami in 2011, but thanks to reconstruction support and the enthusiasm of its members, they were able to overcome this challenge and continue their activities.