

Kamiyo Shishiodori

団体名 : 上亰鹿子踊保存会

所在地 : 岩手県大槌町 大槌

種別 : シシ芸(三陸国際芸術祭過去出演団体)

三百年ほど前から伝わるとされ、房州(ぼうしゅう:今の千葉県)生まれの人が釜石栗林 沢田(くるばやしさわだ)で若者衆に鹿子踊を伝授したことからその周辺に踊りが広まり、上亰地区にもこの踊りが伝えられたとされます。別名「房州踊り」と いわれ、元々地元に伝えられていた念仏踊りと融合し現在の踊りが形作られたと推測されます。特長は必ず踊る前に褒め唄を歌う事で、門・座敷・宿などを褒めます。大槌稲荷神社・小鎚神社祭礼を初めとし、地元和野大明神・八幡神社の祭礼の他、仏事の供養等で踊ります。

Kamiyo Shishi Odori (Otsuchi Town)
The dance is said to have been handed down from about 300 years ago, when a man born in Boshu (present-day Chiba Prefecture) taught the shishi odori to the young people in Kurubayashi Sawada of Kamaishi, spreading out to the Kamiyo area. It is also called “Boshu Odori,” and it is presumed that the present dance was formed by fusing with the nembutsu odori that was originally handed down locally. One of the features of this dance is that they always sing a praise before dancing: praising the gate, the tatami room, and the inns that they stayed at. The dance is performed at the festivals of Otsuchi Inari Shrine, Kozuchi Shrine, the local Wano Daimyojin Shrine, Hachiman Shrine, and at Buddhist memorial services.