Nagahama Shishiodori
団体名 : 永浜鹿踊保存会
所在地 : 岩手県大船渡市 赤崎町
種別 : シシ芸(三陸国際芸術祭過去出演団体)
三陸国際芸術祭出演 : 201420162017 大船渡2018 大船渡プログラム2019秋
会員やOB数名など犠牲数名。2011年8月 仮設住宅に位牌を集め、普段着で儀式のみ執り行った(踊りはなし)。2012年8月厳島神社例大祭で奉納。国内外の寄付や助成を受け再開、以後活動中(2012年12月現在)
The Nagahama Shishiodori is said to have been introduced to the region over two centuries ago from Arisu in Sumita, via Maikawa in Nishiiwai district (both Iwate Prefecture). It is a Gyozan School shishiodori that is related to the Maikawa Shishiodori. Yasufumi Shida (house of Kashi) serves as the current grandmaster and head of activities, and the tradition is passed down by youths from the Odachi and Nagahama areas. The Nagahama Shishiodori Preservation Society was founded in January 1949, and all households in the Odachi and Nagahama areas now belong to the society; the locals all work together to keep the traditional culture alive, training people who can continue the legacy. Its shishigashira headpiece is smaller than in other shishiodori, and the dance is spirited and energetic. The shishigashira incorporates the mysticism of the shishi gongenmai, and the “white rabbit riding waves” motif on the headpiece’s curtain and hakama skirt is extremely distinctive and rare.