Kesen-cho Kenka-Tanabata Daiko
団体名 : 気仙町けんか七夕保存会
所在地 : 岩手県陸前高田市 気仙町
種別 : 祭り(三陸国際芸術祭過去出演団体)
三陸国際芸術祭出演 : 2015
The Kesen-cho Kenka Tanabata Festival has been held since about 900 years ago.
Thick wisteria vines are cut out from the mountains to attach 50+ year old cedar logs onto a float. This is a majestic festival where these floats collide with one another while powerful taiko drums are being played. The three types of hayashi music played by Kenka Tanabata Taiko are: “Ayumi (walking) taiko”, played while the floats parade through each town, “Yasumi (resting) taiko”, played while the floats are resting, and finally “Kenka (brawl) taiko”, played when the floats are colliding with one another.