

Iwaizumi Nenbutsu Kenbai

団体名 : 岩泉念仏剣舞

所在地 : 岩泉町 岩泉町

種別 : 踊り(三陸国際芸術祭過去出演団体)

三陸国際芸術祭出演 : 2021


Iwaizumi Nembutsu Kenbai (Iwaizumi Town)
It is unclear when or how the Iwaizumi Nembutsu Kenbai was handed down. It flourished during the Kansei and Bunka era (late 1700s to early 1800s) of the Edo period, and has been prized as an indispensable folk performing art for obon and festivals. On the night of August 13 during obon, the dance is performed in front of the main hall of Unganji Temple to make offerings to the spirits who lie in the precincts of the temple. From the following day until the 16th, the ancestral spirits who have returned to each house in the town are offered prayers and dance.