

Kanezawa Shishi-Odori

団体名 : 金澤鹿子踊

所在地 : 大槌町 大槌町金沢

種別 : シシ芸(三陸国際芸術祭過去出演団体)

三陸国際芸術祭出演 : 2021

江戸中頃(約三百年前)に金沢地区の大家に茂市(もいち:今の宮古市茂市)から嫁いだ人が茂市より鹿踊(ししおどり)の師匠を招き、地元の若者衆に伝授したのが始まりとされています。 明治後半から大正にかけて金沢の対間(たいま)地区にも伝承し、昭和45年(1970)に保存会が結成され現在に至っています。金沢稲荷神社祭典での奉納舞(五穀豊穣・安全祈願) や新盆宅の供養の舞のほか、大槌まつりにも参加しています。現在、集落の子供に伝承活動を行っています。 町内の他の鹿子踊四団体とは、踊りが異なります。

Kanezawa Shishi Odori (Otsuchi Town)
It is said to have originated in the middle of the Edo period (about 300 years ago) when a woman who married a landlord in the Kanezawa area from Moichi (present-day Moichi of Miyako City) invited a shishi odori master from Moichi to teach the dance to the local young people. From the latter half of the Meiji era to the Taisho era, the dance was handed down to the Taima district of Kanezawa, and in 1970, a preservation society was formed and has continued to this day. In addition to dedicating the  dance at the Kanezawa Inari Shrine Festival to pray for a good harvest and safety, and also at the shin-bon houses (first obon following a death of a family member) as a memorial, the group also participates in the Otsuchi Festival. The dance is currently being handed down to the children of the village. The dance is different from the other four groups in the town.