Hanawada Kagura
所在地 : 岩手県大槌町 花輪田
種別 : 神楽
岩手県沿岸に江戸時代中期より伝わる岩戸系(いわとけい)の神楽で、昭和60年(1985)に大槌神楽保存会として三浦正人氏が親族を中心に結成しました。三浦氏は、隣町釜石市栗林(くりばやし)の丹内神楽(たんないかぐら)同行頭(どうこうかしら:リーダー)五代目小笠原留五郎(おがさわらとめごろう)の弟子として活動してきました。三浦家は元修験(しゅげん:山伏)であり、正人氏は小笠原氏の甥にも当たる事から神楽に精通し、多くの舞や儀礼を習得してきました。 丹内神楽は、江戸時代正徳年間(1711-1716)に釜石鵜住居(うのすまい)の修験者が熊野詣でをして神楽を習得し五代まで続けたと言われます。
Otsuchi Kagura Preservation Society- Hanawada Kagura (Otsuchi Town)
This is a form of Iwato-style kagura that has been handed down along the coast of Iwate Prefecture since the middle of the Edo era. The group was formed in 1985 by Masato Miura and his relatives, calling it the Otsuchi Kagura Preservation Society. Miura had been a pupil of Ogasawara Tomegoro V, the doukou kashira leader of Tannai Kagura in the neighboring town of Kuribayashi of Kamaishi City. The Miura family were former shugen (yamabushi, mountain ascetics), and because Masato was a nephew of Ogasawara, he was well versed in kagura, learning many dances and rituals. In terms of Tannai Kagura, it is said that during the Shoutoku period of the Edo era (1711-1716), an ascetic from Kamaishi Unosumai made a pilgrimage to Kumano and learned kagura, which he continued for five generations.