
Sanriku Geinoh Mapping

Everyone is a folk performing artist in Sanriku

三陸⼈たちは、リアスの海と⼭が育む、⿂や獣を糧に⽣きてきました。 度重なる津波ややませ、飢饉といった⾃然の厳しさとも共存して暮らしてきました。 そして、この三陸を⽣きぬくため、ある画期的で特別な⽅法を編み出しました。 「郷⼟芸能」 —— 海・⼭の向こう から神楽や⻁舞、⿅踊りといった奇抜だけれど美しい格好をした芸能が、村や家にやってきて、⼤漁・豊作・平和を祈願しました。 そればかりか、かたっぱしから⼈々を魅了し、みんな踊り⼿、歌い⼿に。 三陸は今や芸能の楽園です。 世界に誇るべき無形⽂化遺産です。

三陸に⾏ってみたいけれど、どこに⾏ったらいいのか、何をしたらいいのかわからない。 そんな時、三陸芸能マップを広げてみてください。 ⾄るところに芸能があって、出会う⼈みな郷⼟芸能⼈。 こんな体験、三陸だけです。

The people of Sanriku have lived off of the fish and animals that were nurtured from the ria of the mountains and the sea. They also lived in coexistence with the repetitive harshness of nature such as tsunami, cold mountain winds, and famine. In order to survive living in this environment, the people of Sanriku have devised an epoch-making special method: folk performing arts. Folk performing arts with unusual, but beautiful appearances such as kagura, toramai, and shishi-odori, would appear from the sea or the mountains to the local villages and houses, praying for an abundant catch, good harvest, and peace to the land. Not only that, but they also fascinated people from left to right, making everyone a dancer and a singer. Sanriku is now a paradise for folk performing arts. It can be said, a world-class intangible cultural heritage. If you ever want to visit Sanriku, but don’t know where to go, and don’t know what to do, please try opening up the Sanriku Geinoh Map. A folk performing art will exist everywhere you go, and the people you will meet will most likely be a folk performing artist. This is an experience unique to Sanriku.



